We commisioned this work from Get Pumped Crafts!, some of you may know her as one Susan Theresa Jelinek Melllage. She crafted this with the speed of the wind to get it to us in time for our AZ departure. We hung the flag from our campsite for the last week of class and took portriats of most everyone in front of it as they pulled off down the dirt road, single tears forming in the corners of their eyes, driving away for the last time from the SWSBM.
ps. you may notice the unbelieveable wind blowing whilst the piccture was being taken. This in the point at which i opened my door in the middle of this wind storm, only to have it blown the wrong way on the hinge making a terrible cracking sound. Even throwing all my weight into the door, I was no match for the mighty Zephyr and the door has never been the same. It took flagging down a classmate on highway 80 to help us get the door mashed shut.
AHHHH!! That is so awesome!!!
Susan Theresa Jelinek Mellage
CEO and Head Crafter
Get Pumped Crafts
Raleigh, North Carolina
Get Pumped Crafts, a subsidiary of NG, Inc., specializes in Harry Pottery costumes, herbal first aid kits, sayonara state flags and general chatchkas.
i have taken legal action... you will be contacted by my attorney... you can run but you cannot hide... i want that speedo garden photo taken with the high-powered telephoto lens from the balcony of your apartment and all existing copies... there are copyright and trademark issues here that can and will have very serious consequences to you and your unborn children if you do not heed this demand of cease and desist... your friend and host, mikeg
Ahhhh...I miss you guys! I can't wait to see the two of you...If you could bring the flag that would be sweet, some how I am the only one that did not get a photo with it
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