And then we found them, by a miracle really, the nicest people on earth. Here there are living totally off the grid, just them, the chickens, the navajo breed of sheep and the draft horses they use to work the 5 acres of vegetable and the 260 acres of grains they grown for the first CSA in The Valley.

We drove up and I said, they have a teepee Crissy, this is it.

They also have wind power, passive solar greenhouses and house, strawbale, adobe and earth berm root cellar, a biodisel mini lab and lots of other salvaged buildings and alternative energy uses. I was in love.

Karen answered the door looking at each of for a moment and then asking, " have i met you before?" Seemed like a good sign as we settled in the cutest farm kitchen ever to talk about details of a speaking engagement met. Colin stopped us after only a few minutes saying, "before we go any further I think that you should know we are very radical."
Crissy and I just looked at each other and smiled. Thank god. I've been here for 2 months and its about time we met some folks living like this. Then we just continued with the farming conversation, that is farming as it related to biodeversity, oil, war, energy use, race, class and gender. No big deal.
Outside the straw-bale, passive-solar greenhouse:

Inside the Greenhouse:

Did I mention that Colin is an MD that went to Howard and drives a draft horse driven buggy to the ER where he works. They let him build a little shed there to house the buggy and horse!

And all we have is this piece of junk.....Just a jump. that's all the ol' rental car needs to get started any more. Note to self and the rest of the world: never by a nissan.

Chicken, never touch!!!