Neil and I just spent a weekend in Leadville fishing at a private fishing club, lets just say that we both caught rainbows that are no joke....about 18 inches, and i learned a new way to clean fish, that is really cool, but really gross. The perks of having new friends in CO. The cabin came into his family, ironically enough, through the Maytag family. It looks jsut like my grandparents cabin in Baldwin, which owes a lot to the Whirlpool family. It was like a time warp. Probably not weird to anyone but Neil and I.
Now we have arrived at our housesitting gig in Boulder for yet another new, and very trusting friend. Yup, its just Neil, me and The Chariman. Who is the The Chairman you ask? Well, Chairman Mao is a fat striped cat that I will pretend I like for the next week while we cohabitate in a 400 square foot condo; this place is small. Real small.
I'd send some new pictures, but our camera broke again. We have a full week of errands ahead of us.
Pedicularis grayii
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