How can I explain this hotspring oasis? The Rolling Stones own it and left it to their manager who then ran into trouble with the law and has left it in trust as a nonprofit while he does his jail time. This crazy place is private yet available to the right people for use -- guess we were the right people. Our class met up with a former student of Micheal Moore's herbal class. He uses this place as a home base to teach his year long class. There are rattle snakes, hotsprings in the shape of guitars, tamarisk trees, not quite abandonded buildings everywhere, and ofcourse, the bates motel. Most people slept inside this 3 stroy freak shack, but neil and I opted for the saftey of the van -- the bed is more comfortable than our apartment; i would sleep in the van every night if i could find a flat spot to park it in Bisbee.
Amanda dries off after a soak in the Guitar Pool

We caked our bodies in the mineral mud, soaked day and night in the hot springs, some partook in the sweat lodges, visited the special plants that were brought here thousands of years ago; The Yerba Mansa runs amuck near these warm waters (Anemopsis californica. The best part is that no one here was a stranger -- no weird men lurking in the shadows of the hotsprings.
Dawn picks the leaves of Yerba Mansa

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