Ty at 3 weeks.
Dear friends,
There is uncontainable joy in our hearts each new day we get to spend with Ty and see how he has grown. He is 3 and 1/2 weeks old now and over 3 pounds, eating well and filling out those little cheeks. He is doing well without breathing assistance or IV fluids, meaning fewer wires and tubes, so for now Jack and I (and you too!) can cuddle him easily. Ty loves his new bed, an isolette--we call it the condo--which is a graduation from his warmer. There's a peaceful white noise in there and the nurses are giving him lots of good care.
We can feel your love from every direction and there are no words for the depth of our gratitude for your support. Ty had some serious bumps in the road his first couple of weeks on this earth, and there could be more but for now the focus is on good health and this little guy's incredible will. Thank you for celebrating with us! Here are some pictures taken the day before his 3-week birthday. As you can see,he's still rocking the sideburns.
Mary & Jack