Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sayonara Peugeot

You may have burned sustainable fuel, but you gasped your last breath on the way into the Johnson-Rockers wedding. When the gear shift snapped off in our hands on that last corner, we knew, if only in our hearts, that the time had come to part ways.

Fortunately we got a great tow truck driver who seems to know all the bio-diesel folks and tow them regularly. He even came up with a plan for how the three of us could live for the rest of our lives splitting one year of the Carolina Football coach's salary; great guy that tow truck man.

Bye Bye Peug, hello fossil fuels.

Jack & Mary's Beautiful Wedding

Snipes Farm

Juggling Johnson Family

Carolina Lisette & Me

The Cutting of the Cup Cakes

Jack, Rett, Neil

Sunday, September 02, 2007

the first men to ever crash an ng retreat, jasper and david came to pick up jenny and sick little ashlyn from our boone mountain cabin.

happy baby pose

Red Woods

We camped in Prairie Creek SP for a night, saw tons of Roosevelt Elk (the bucks had huge racks, the biggest i have ever seen!), and lots of big trees. Big Trees are cool; these definitely beat the giant tulip poplars of Joyce Kilmer National Forest in Western North Carolina. Dogs aren't allowed on any of the trails; national parks are dog haters, dog lovers beware, creasy only saw the big trees from the car and from the leash at the camp site.

Now all i need is a band....

this is probably the only picture of us together ever taken.

can you find neil in this picture?

neilio, me, hills

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Sorry Sean, somehow you didn't make it into any of the pictures.

Jammin' with Hills.

the OR sand dunes with hills, abby and creasy doggie.

hillshire hit with a compound bow

Sara points out the simiarities of Neil & St. Sebastian

King Oyster Mushroom Production.

a hummingbird nest made of lichen, lined with spider web, suspended on a black berry cane: a marvel of nature, this is beautiful!

His Dark Materials

Gund sheds a tear as the realization sets in: he was not cast as Iorik Byrensen. Susan says it may be because they were not looking for a mangy, dingy colored bear....mmmm.