...yeah, its here.

neil & amy = proud and already exhausted parents of a puppy. Miss Creasy Green. Formerly known as "Crazy," now known as "Creasy".
She's 7 months, a border collie /australian kelpie mix, a born herder and protector. She bites, nips and uses her teeth as her main impetus for herding. She doesn't bark, and she looks like a sand leopard.
She came from the Chico Basin Ranch to live in Boulder; hope she'll be happier than her father here.
We're working on making the backyard fence sturdier so she cant jump into Broadway street.

This is like having a baby without deciding if you are going to the midwife or hospital, i haven't child-proofed the house, i have no idea how much to feed her, we haven't talked about what kind of parents we will be...most likely Christian-Scientist-wont-take-our-kid-to-no-stinking-doctor/vet.
This really is crazy, she fits her name.